Centrica Business Solutions
An internal communications campaign to share best practice.

Designhouse was commissioned to design and produce the collateral for Centrica’s internal Power Stories campaign.
The aim was to encourage more employees to seek out and submit customer case studies – Power Stories – to showcase the company’s global experience and expertise and help sell Centrica products and services to potential new clients.

Following existing guidelines, we designed a Power Stories page on the Centrica intranet, introducing new icons to illustrate the campaign. The interactive page allows employees to both upload new material and search for stories to support their sales efforts, available as videos, PDFs, presentation slides and customer testimonials. The global Power Stories campaign was launched simultaneously across three UK locations, Holland, Italy and the US.

All employees received a Power Stories postcard on their desk, along with a campaign launch email with an embedded explanatory video. Additionally, Power Stories posters were produced and put up in offices to reinforce the message, along with printed examples of customer stories. We also designed a Powerpoint compendium of customer stories which will be updated on a regular basis as new material is submitted.