A premium brand identity for the UK private homecare sector.

Designhouse was commissioned to develop a dynamic new look and feel for MyLife, a premium homecare company operating in the UK private sector.
The challenge was to help My Life to stand out as they expanded their highly personalised companionship and care business in an increasingly active marketplace.
We introduced a classic font and a new colour palette of muted blue, gold and greys. For the new logo, the f and e flow together, representing an embrace or supporting arm.
A secondary palette of accent colours give personality to the different types of care on offer.

Fresh new photography, diffused with natural light, created a warm and positive feel of friendship, quite different to the traditional image of uniformed carers often used within the sector.

A new strapline, “A Better Way to Care”, highlighted the core brand values of quality, choice and enablement.

The new brand identity has been introduced across website, stationery, printed brochures, digital communications and marketing.