Liberty Specialty Markets
A cost-effective and sustainable solution to communicating CSR.

Liberty Speciality Markets is a global insurance and reinsurance provider, with more than 1,700 employees across 65 offices.
Designhouse was appointed to help communicate their highly-effective and wide-ranging CSR programme to clients, employees and visitors to the Liberty offices.
The challenge was to present a large amount of information in an engaging but sustainable and cost-effective way, appropriate to the project.
To avoid the financial and environmental costs of printing a large report, we proposed a simple z-card, supported with a dedicated microsite and Prezi presentation.

Starting with the z-card, we employed the ‘beam’ of light from the Liberty corporate identity as a dividing graphic rule for the three sectors supported by the CSR programme: education & employability; health; and food & shelter.
Working with the existing colour palette, we introduced tints to create a richer visual impact, and combined these with bold statistics, illustrations, infographics and evocative imagery.
The same graphic devices were then repeated in the microsite and Prezi presentation, creating a complementary suite of materials that presented the full range of CSR projects in more depth at a dramatically reduced price.